On April 19, Kajal Aggarwal and Gautam Kitchlu welcomed their newborn boy. The couple named their son Neil Kitchlu and announced the news in a lovely Instagram picture. “We are happy to announce the birth of Neil Kitchlu on April 19, 2020,” Gautam Kitchlu wrote in a post on Wednesday. Neil’s parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles were all mentioned in the post. Gautam wrote in the description, “Our hearts are full and we are full of gratitude. Thank you, everyone, for your love and blessings @kajalaggarwalofficial.”
The actress wrote an emotional essay on Instagram about her baby’s birth, postpartum anxiety, feelings, and other topics.
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Kajal did not hold back in disclosing every detail of her child’s birth. This touching post by the actress will have you in tears.
The actress, who was dressed in a mustard-yellow silk gown and flaunted her baby bulge in the photo, described the delivery of her child as “exhilarating” and “one of the most beautiful moments ever.”
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She wrote, “Excited and elated to welcome my baby Neil into this world. Our birthing was exhilarating, overwhelming, long, yet the most satisfying experience there could be! Holding Neil upon my chest covered with white mucous membrane and placenta within seconds of his birth has been my only tryst with self-actualisation and such an indescribable feeling! That one moment made me understand the deepest potential of love, made me feel a tremendous amount of gratitude and realise the responsibility of my heart outside of my body – forever – and all at the same time.”
“Of course, it’s not been easy- 3 sleepless nights that bleed into early mornings, learning to latch and burp squishy bellies and stretched skin, frozen pads, breast pumps, uncertainty, constant worry if you’re doing it all right, all topped with dozes of anxiety.” she continued.
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She further wrote “But it’s also moments like these – Sweet cuddles in the wee hours of the morning, gazing into each other’s eyes with a look of confident recognition, adorable little kisses, the quiet moments when it’s just the two of us, growing, learning, discovering each other and navigating this wonderful journey together. In reality, postpartum isn’t glamorous but it sure can be beautiful!”
Many celebs left congratulations messages for Kajal in the comments section, including Samantha Ruth Prabhu‘s, she wrote. “Congratulations to the both of you can’t wait to meet baby, Neil,” the actress added, revealing her joy.