Tollywood couple Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya announced their separation on Saturday, leaving everyone shocked. Just like the couple’s fans, many celebrities have shared their views on their separation. Amongst them is actor Kangana Ranaut, who spoke about divorce culture and also blamed a “Bollywood superstar” for their separation.
“Whenever divorce happens fault is always of the man. I may sound orthodox or too judgemental but this is how God has made man and woman, their nature and dynamics. Primitively scientifically, he is a hunter and she is a nurturer. Stop being kind to these brats who change women like clothes and then claim to be their best friends. Yes, out of hundred, yes, one woman can be wrong but that’s the ratio. Shame on these brats who get encouragement from the media and fans. They hail them and judge the woman. Divorce culture is growing like never before,” Kangana wrote on Instagram.
Also Read: Memes, publicity: How internet reacted to Samantha Akkineni’s separation
Without naming anyone, Kangana said that a Bollywood actor “who is also known as Bollywood divorce expert” may have something to do with the separation.
“This south actor who suddenly divorced his wife was married for years and in a relationship with her for more than a decade recently came in contact with a Bollywood superstar who is also known as Bollywood divorce expert…Has ruined many women and children lives is now his guiding light and agony aunt…so it all went smoothly…This is not a blind item we all know who I am talking about,” she wrote.
Also Read: Very unfortunate: Nagarjuna reacts to Samantha and Naga Chaitanya’s separation
For the unversed, following days of speculations, Samantha and Chaitanya, who tied the knot in 2017, announced their separation on Saturday.
“To all our well wishers. After much deliberation and thought Sam and I have decided to part ways as husband and wife to pursue our own paths. We are fortunate to have a friendship of over a decade that was the very core of our relationship which we believe will always hold a special bond between us,” they said in a statement.