Actor Kangana Ranaut’s first song from her upcoming movie ‘Thalaivi’ is out. The film is based on the life of J Jayalalithaa, an actor and a former chief minister of Tamil Nadu. The song “Chali Chali, which is sung by Saindhavi Prakash, captures the ‘golden era’ of Jayalalithaa journey in the Indian cinema.
Kangana took to Twitter and thanked her fan, after getting a positive response on her new song. She shared the original track with her fans from which her song is inspired.
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut shares reason of joining Twitter
One of Kangana’s fan asked, “ if Jaya was so beautiful in her first song”. Kangana responded with a tweet that she is not a “patch on her”. She thanked her followers for their immense love and support.
She tweeted, “ Thank you for giving so much love to Chali-Chali, a lot of Hindi speaking people asking was Jaya maa was so beautiful in her debut song? Well, I am not a patch on her, here is her debut song link, Chali Chali is fashioned after ammmamma Kaatru have a look.”
Also Read: I am coming to save Bollywood with release of ‘Thalaivi’: Kangana Ranaut
Jayalalitha was a versatile actor who acted in more than 120 films in languages, including Hindi, Tamil Telegu, Kannada and Malayalam.