Kota Factory came into our lives in 2019. The show follows the
life of a 16-year-old student Vaibhav who moves to Kota from Itarsi in an
effort to score an admission into one of the famed IITs. Kota is a city in
Rajasthan which is renowned for its coaching centres that train students to
crack various entrance examinations, especially JEE (Joint Entrance
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Director Raghav Subbu and creator Saurabh Khanna managed to
put out a gem of a TV show which features Mayur More as Vaibhav Pandey, Ranjan
Raj as Balmukund Meena, Alam Khan as Uday Gupta, Jitendra Kumar as Jeetu Bhaiya,
Ahsaas Channa as Shivangi Ranawat and Revathi Pillai as Vartika Ratawal.
The first season consisted of five episodes and received a
rating of 9.2/10 from IMDb which essentially proves the show’s quality. The
black and white series was shot in colour and then graded into monochrome
during the post production process.
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Vaibhav struggles to adapt to his new lifestyle and the
pressure that comes along with preparing for entrance examinations. His friends
help him overcome the various struggles he faced as a full-time coaching
student. As the season comes to an end, he is able to secure a seat in
Maheshwari classes which means he will have to leave his friends behind and
start again.
Season 2 will show another phase of the teenager’s life as
he adjusts to life in Maheshwari coaching classes. It’ll also be interesting to
see Jeetu Bhaiya starting his own coaching centre.
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Almost all of the cast from season 1 will return on screen
in season 2. The new season is set to release on September 24 and fans will be able
to stream it on popular OTT platform Netflix.
The show enjoys immense popularity because millions of kids
as well as adults can relate to Vaibhav, having passed that phase of life or
going through it themselves.