As Ranbir Kapoor turned 39 on Tuesday, his family and fans are showering him with love and wishes but what caught everyone’s attention is the post of his mother, Neetu Kapoor that also includes his ladylove Alia Bhatt.
Neetu wrote, “Happy birthday my Hearbeat love n blessings in abundance.”
Riddhima also wished her ‘rockstar brother’ with a slew of photos featuring the family as well as Alia, “To my ‘rockstar’ bro -Here’s wishing you a very happy b’day !!!!! We love you so much ♥️ #youngerbutwiser?.”
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia have been dating since 2017. Now their fans are eagerly waiting for them to announce their wedding.
Speaking with former journalist Rajeev Masand, Ranbir himself said once, “It (the wedding) would have already been sealed if the pandemic hadn’t hit our lives. But I don’t want to jinx it by saying anything. I want to tick mark that goal soon in my life.”