As actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ New York City (NYC) restaurant opened on Friday, she shared an extensive note on Instagram along with pictures from the cafe. In her note, the actor revealed that it was her husband Nick Jonas who came up with the restaurant’s name ‘Sona‘.
“Yes! Hubby came up with the name at an early tasting with the team, as Sona means “gold,” and he had heard that word in India, well…A lot, throughout our wedding!” she wrote.
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“TODAY IS OPENING DAY,” the actor wrote.
“What started as a simple craving for great Indian food has become this labour of love, and I can’t wait to welcome you all in, and for you to experience timeless India in the heart of NYC!”
“This has been a team effort all the way… from the many many menu deliberations, food tastings, and decor decisions to landing on the perfect name, all thanks to Nick Jonas,” Priyanka wrote.
Have a look at her post:
Also read: Priyanka Chopra’s interview with Oprah Winfrey | Highlights
‘Sona’ isn’t Priyanka’s first entrepreneurial venture. She has invested in the dating app Bumble. She has also launched her haircare brand ‘Anomaly Haircare’. The actor had started her production company, ‘Purple Pebble Pictures‘, in 2015.