The body of popular Punjabi singer Manmeet Singh was found from a lake in Himachal Pradesh‘s Kangra district, officials said on Wednesday. The Sufi singer had slipped into Kareri Lake, a high-altitude mountain water body, during heavy rains that lashed the district. Singh, who is from Amritsar was the lead singer of ‘Sain Brothers’ music group.
Also read: Lightning, flash floods lash north India; 52 dead, vehicles, bridge washed away
Torrential rains and flash floods hit parts of Himachal Pradesh, including Kangra, on Monday causing large-scale damage. Officials say that Singh might have been separated while trying to run for cover after flash floods but probably slipped and fell into Kareri lake. He was reported missing on Monday after which a search operation began.
A few days ago, Singh, along with his brothers and friends, had come to Shahpur, 25km from the lake. The group went to Kareri Monday.
Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh witnessed freak weather on Monday when flash floods, cloudbursts, lightning and torrential rains killed more than 60 people. In Uttar Pradesh alone, 41 people were killed in lightning strikes. Most of the deaths were of women and children in rural areas.
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In Rajasthan, a group of visitors on a watch tower near Amer Fort were hit by lightning while they were taking selfies. Eleven of them died and many jumped off the tower in panic and were seriously injured.
In Himachal, heavy rains triggered flash floods that swept away buildings and cars at the tourist spots of Dharamshala and adjoining Mecleodganj. A drain near Bhagsu Nag in upper Dharamshala adjoining MecLeodganj changed its course owing to heavy rains, sweeping away four cars and several bikes, video clips showed. Two buildings were swept away in Manjhi Khad area, near Dharamsala, while several others were damaged, reports PTI.
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The flash floods also damaged a bridge on the Mandi-Pathankot highway after which traffic was stopped on both sides, leading to a traffic jam.