Former ‘Bigg Boss 13’ contestants Rashami Desai and Devoleena Bhattacharjee will join host Karan Johar as special guests on the upcoming ‘Sunday Ka Vaar’ episode. ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 11’ contestant Varun Sood will also enter the Bigg Boss OTT house to surprise his girlfriend Divya Agarwal.
On ‘Bigg Boss 13’ Devoleena and Rashami were known to be good friends. The two actresses supported each other even when they were on rival teams.
They will enter the Bigg Boss OTT house to interact with the housemates and give their valuable opinions about the contestant’s game.
Also read| Bigg Boss OTT: ‘Neha Bhasin was wicked’, says Milind Gaba
Earlier this week it was reported that singers and siblings Neha Kakkar and Tony Kakkar will visit Bigg Boss OTT to promote their new song ‘Kanta Laga’. The song also featured rapper Honey Singh.
In the previous week, Richa Chadha and Ronit Roy visited host Karan Johar on the stage to promote their new web series ‘Candy’.
Last week also saw former ‘Bigg Boss 14’ winner Rubina Dilaik and her co-contestant Nikki Tamboli enter the Bigg Boss OTT house to interact with the housemates.
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After the eviction of Milind and Akshara on last Sunday’s episode, the contestants locked in the Bigg Boss OTT house are Raqesh Bapat, Divya Agarwal, Nishant Bhat, Muskan Jattana, Neha Bhasin, Pratik Sehajpal and Shamita Shetty.
Bigg Boss OTT will come to end after its sixth week. ‘Bigg Boss 15’ will then be launched on Colors TV channel with actor Salman Khan as the host.
‘Bigg Boss 15’ will also feature legendary actress Rekha as the ‘Tree of Fortune’, who will introduce the top five performers of Bigg Boss OTT to host Salman Khan.