Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan will be seen playing the antagonist in Telugu star Prabhas’ film ‘Adipurush’, the makers announced on Wednesday. He will feature as Lankesh, the ‘most intelligent demon’ to have ever existed.
Sharing a new poster of the film, the official Twitter handle of producer T-Series wrote, “7000 years ago existed the world’s most intelligent demon!”
The makers have not yet revealed Saif’s look as Lankesh.
‘Adipurush’ marks Saif Ali Khan’s second collaboration with Om Raut. They have previously collaborated on Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior
Actor Kareena Kapoor took to Instagram to share the poster. “Presenting the most handsome devil in history… my man Saif Ali Khan,” she wrote.
Directed by Om Raut, ‘Adipurush’ stars Prabhas in the titular role. The film is an adaptation of the Indian epic Ramayana. Prabhas on August 18 had shared a poster announcing the movie, which will run in five languages including Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil.