American actor Scarlett Johansson and husband Colin Jost recently welcomed their first baby together, according to US media reports citing Marcel Pariseau, spokesperson for Johansson. In an Instagram post, Jost later announced that the couple had a baby boy, who they named Cosmo.
The Instagram post by Jost on Wednesday said, “Ok ok we had a baby. His name is Cosmo. We love him very much” while further requesting privacy for himself and wife Johansson.
Jost, who is associated with Saturday Night Live, briefly announced the pregnancy for the first time while performing at a stand-up comedy at the Ridgefield Playhouse in Connecticut over the weekend.
“We’re having a baby, it’s exciting,” he said, PageSix quoted a source in the audience as said. This comes after the portal reported in July that the Marvel star was pregnant and due soon.
After dating for about two years, the couple got engaged in May 2019 and tied the knot next year in October. Johansson cryptically announced her engagement with Jost while carrying her ring on stage at the San Diego Comic-Con in 2019.
Tony Award winner Johansson, who is known for playing the character of ‘Black Widow‘ in movies produced by Marvel Studios, skipped multiple screenings and events related to the first-ever solo movie of the character. Johansson’s absence from such events sparked rumours about her pregnancy.
Speaking to PageSix, a source said, “She hasn’t been doing many interviews or events to promote ‘Black Widow,’ which is surprising since it is a huge Marvel/Disney release and she is both the star and an executive producer.”
Johansson is also the mother of Rose Dorothy, who is six years old, from her previous marriage to Frenchman Romain Dauriac.
“He is very charming and very thoughtful and romantic. But yeah, I was surprised. Even if you kind of imagine what that moment’s gonna be like, it’s still a beautiful moment”, Johansson, who is 36 years old, said on Ellen DeGeneres’ show in 2019 while describing Jost’s marriage proposal, according to reports from People.