Actor Ankita Lokhande got officially engaged to her boyfriend Vicky Jain in Mumbai. In one of the videos from the event that is doing rounds on internet, the title track from late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s film Raabta played in the background as the couple exchanged rings.
Also Read: Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain opt for intimate wedding ceremony. Watch
Ankita, for her party, wore a shimmery black dress with matching earrings and kept her hair loose. Vicky opted for a beige printed jacket over a black turtleneck T-shirt and matching pants.
Also Read: Ankita Lokhande’s marriage function with Vicky Jain will start from December 12
Ankita also performed to Ellie Goulding’s Love Me Like You Do. She wore a long gown as she stood on a raised podium for her performance. The colours of her dress kept on changing as the song continued.
After Vicky put the ring on Ankita’s finger, fireworks were lit. Ankita also smiled at the audience before hugging Vicky. They later showed their rings to the audience as they stood on the stage.
Ankita and Vicky also spoke about each other at their party. Holding Ankita’s hand, Vicky said, “I’m a very expressive guy. I show my love towards her in front of the whole world always, today, tomorrow and forever.”
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Ankita said, “I’ve told him each and everything about me. But I just want to say and tell everyone that I’m very very lucky to have Vicky in my life. I think because of Vicky my life is very easy. The way he is, I’m really grateful to God that he is my partner forever.”