Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh’s debut television show ‘The Big Picture‘ premiered on Colors TV on Saturday. One of the contestants talked about how his father passed away when he was seven years old. This left the host teary-eyed.
“My father died when I was in Class 7. I could not understand what was happening then, I was so young. I had never experienced death until then. I could not have cried in front of my family and no one would have understood even if I did. My mother has worked so hard. We did not have enough money at home that all my siblings could be sent to school,” the contestant, Abhay Singh from Uttar Pradesh, told Ranveer.
Ranveer broke down and connected with the contestant’s family over a video call.
Also Read: How to register for Ranveer Singh’s The Big Picture?
Watch the video here –
Abhay, a Ranveer Singh fan, was left emotional as the host danced with him on “Tattad tattad” on his entry. The show praised the contestant’s spiked moustache, which reminded him of his own look from the movie Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela. The contestant taught the host Uttar Pradesh lingo during the episode. Abhay went on to win Rs 20 lakh.
‘The Big Picture’ is a visual-based game show that gives contestants a chance to win Rs 5 crore. The contestants can opt for the lifeline ‘Indiawale’ when not sure about a particular question. This will let the contestants seek advice from viewers. The catch is the contestant will have to pay 25% of their prize money to the ‘Indiawale’. The show airs on Saturdays and Sundays at 8pm on Colors TV and Voot app.
Sonipat’s Karishma Toor, a constable, was the first contestant to play the game and ended up winning Rs 20 lakh.