Squid Game is the title assigned to a South Korean survival drama series created by Hwang Dong-hyuk for Netflix. The series narrates the story of several people who fail in their respective lives for a number of reasons but suddenly get invited to play a survival game in an isolated island, to win 38 million US dollars.
At Emmy 2022, Squid Game got 14 nominations amongst which it bagged six.
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5 shows that are like Squid Game
1. Alice in Borderland
Alice in Borderland is a 2020 Japanese science-fiction thriller television series. This series has certain resemblances with Squid Game, in its essence. It revolves the story of a young man who finds himself in a situation where he is stuck in a giant game involving survival and manipulation. He has to win the game with a simultaneous steering of interpersonal relations and collaboration. Just like in Squid Game, the protagonist has to use clever means to overcome the difficult tasks before them. The series started airing in December 2020.
2. Dead Set
A British zombie horror miniseries, Dead Set is written and created by Charlie Brooker. This one came out way before Brooker came up with Black Magic. The show takes place mainly on the sets of fictional series of the real Television show Big Brother. The series aired in 2008.
3. Detention
Detention is a Taiwanese series that is more of a thriller than horror. However, its style of mysterious narration and commentary make it similar to Squid Game. Based on a video game of the same name, it premiered on December 5, 2020.
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4. Sweet Home
This one is a South Korean apocalyptic, horror streaming television series that premiered on Netflix in December 2020. It is based on a Naver webtoon of the same name. The series tells the story of a young man who decides to live on his own, only to find out that, in his apartment, there live a number of monsters which he has to fight to survive.
5. Dark
Dark is a German sci-fi television series which ran from 2017 to 2020. It is considered to be Netflix’s first international sci-fi series. Being very complicated in nature, it narrates a metaphysical tale covering decades and following a range of characters as they encounter alternate realities.