Soon after winning the Miss World 2000 title, actor Priyanka Chopra signed around four films. However, she was replaced in two of them because of her ‘botched surgery’ that made her face look disfigured, wrote the 38-year-old in her recently released memoir, ‘Unfinished’.
Now an international star, married to American singer Nick Jonas, Priyanka went on to shoot a Tamil action drama film ‘Thamizhan’ starring superstar Vijay. Writing about her experience of working on this film, in her recently released memoir ‘Unfinished’, the actor says it was a perfect debut as she felt ‘respected’ while shooting the film.
This was the time when her surgery had been a huge blow to her but on the sets of ‘Thamizhan’, there was no discussion on her looks and that improved her confidence, reports Bollywood Hungama.
The actor called Vijay a “gifted and gracious actor” and that he tremendously inspired her. Priyanka states that she was amazed that despite working for fifteen hours, Vijay would “greet those who’d waited and take photographs with them for another hour and a half.”
She also adds, “Vijay’s humility and generosity with fans made a lasting impression on me.”