Deep Sidhu, Punjabi actor-turned-activist accused of being the key conspirator of the Red Fort violence on Republic Day 2021, died in an accident on Tuesday evening. His alleged girlfriend Reena Rai, who allegedly helped him abscond after the January 26 incident, was also with him at the time of the accident. She reportedly survived the accident and is out of danger, India Today reported, quoting Sonipat SP Rahul Sharma.

Also Read: Deep Sidhu: Wife, movies, net worth and family

After the 37-year-old actor’s demise, a photo of the alleged couple went viral on social media. Reena had posted the picture on Instagram on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. In the mirror selfie, the two can be seen posing together in a room filled with rose petals.

“Happy valentines day,” the caption reads. Though neither of the two has spoken about their alleged relationship publicly, the Valentine’s Day photo gave rise to dating rumours. 

Who is Reena Rai?

Reena Rai is a US-based actor. She starred with Sidhu in the 2018 movie Rang Punjab. Rai reportedly updated Sidhu’s social media handles when he went into hiding after the Red Fort violence, Times of India reported. 

In May last year, Sidhu posted a photo of two on Instagram, thanking her for standing by him.

“You stood by when the whole world was against, protected me, held my respect, gave me strength, prayed for my cause and freedom but what truly has touched my heart and soul when you paused your life for me, you being there means a lot for me, your love and support is beyond any description, you are beyond my words and i truly feel blessed to have soul like you in my life, I just wanna say I love you,” he captioned the Instagram photo.