The Guests at Big Brother’s house are currently in the third week of the new season’s High Roller twist. During this time, fans at home have the opportunity to vote for their favorite guests. Then, each week, the houseguest are rewarded with BB Bucks based on the number of votes they receive. They can get 50, 75, or 100 BB Bucks.

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Inside the new High Roller’s room, house guests have the opportunity to compete in one of three casino games. By doing so, they should earn some money from their BB Bucks, depending on the game they are playing. The better the reward, the higher the cost. So far, the Veto Derby has been played and won by Kyland Young. Then the following week, Alyssa Lopez won the Chopping Block Roulette, securing her safety this week. Both of these casino games no longer work.

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While it is not clear who entered the house who also competed in Coin of Destiny, not all players would have enough BB Bucks to partake, whether it was their money from fans’ votes and the secret money they earned during their time as Head of Household room. It has been confirmed that Claire has won power based on conversations seen in the live feed. With Claire’s new power, he was able to overthrow the HOH regime this week. Cookout coalition member, Tiffany Mitchell, won her first HOH reign on Thursday. He first nominated Sarah Beth Steagall and Kyland Young Xavier.

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There were rumors among  live-feed viewers that Tiffany was forced out of the Head of the Household room and the room would be locked until the end of the week. There was also talk that Claire and Tiffany would be allowed to compete in the next Head of Household room.

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However, Claire has to throw the competition because she can’t have power for two weeks in a row, but her rule is also meant to be kept secret. None of this is guaranteed. Fans will have to watch the latest episode on Sunday, August 29 to get all the details about Claire’s secret capture of the Head of Household.