“Amid the pandemic when people are mostly relying on the food delivery apps to savour the different Indian cuisines, Zomato on May 21 asked Indians to name one dish they wish has no calories. India cuisine include a variety of vegetables and spices for strong immunity and nutrients the human body needs to take care of the trillions of cells it possesses. Users were quick to reply and one reply by Australian sports journalist Chloe-Amanda Bailey gained a lot of attention. She wanted u2018Chole Bhature’ to be free of calories. Bailey has earlier shared her love for bhature. u00a0. Many users agreed with Bailey’s preference and other asked her to try other dishes as well. Many users expressed their desire to eat jalebis and biryanis to without any guilt. Do let us know what is your favourite dish in the comments below. #Food #Zomato #Lockdownu00a0. u00a0.”