Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking relaxed measures for setting up COVID-19 vaccination centres in the union territory and to lift the age criteria required to receive the jabs, reported PTI. He added that his government can vaccinate everyone in Delhi within three months if the Centre simplify the rules.
Also read: Vaccinate India first, export later: AAP in a jibe at Centre
“The increased transmission of Corona across the country has presented a new concern and challenge. We will have to move the vaccination campaign more rapidly,”
“Our government can vaccinate all people in Delhi within three months if rules simplified, permission granted to vaccinate all,” Kejriwal said.
Notably, Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain said on Monday that the national capital is witnessing a fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Delhi government also announced on Monday that one-third of vaccination centres in all state government hospitals will function 24 hours, reported ANI.
Delhi reported 4,033 coronavirus cases on Sunday, taking the tally to over 6.76 lakh, while the death toll mounted to 11,0811 with 21 new fatalities being reported, according to the data released by the health department.