Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij on Sunday announced stricter restrictions that have been imposed on gatherings in the state amid a surge in COVID-19 cases. According to the minister, 50% of hall capacity will be allowed in closed spaces with a capping of 200 persons. While in open space, a gathering of 500 persons will be allowed. 50 people can gather for a funeral.
As per media reports, under the new standard operating procedure (SOPs), organisers of entertainment, cultural, religious, social, academic, sports and political gatherings must take permission from district magistrates before conducting an event.
Also read: Maharashtra to impose weekend lockdown from 8 pm Friday to 7 am Monday
Haryana on Saturday reported 1,959 cases of novel coronavirus and 10 deaths in 24 hours. The overall count of the state has gone to 29,62,29 cases; 28,12,58 recoveries; 3,184 deaths and 11,787 active COVID-19 cases.