Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij on Sunday said the state will organise medical camps for the farmers protesting against the new farm laws at various border points of Delhi. Vij said the Red Cross Society is providing services at protest sites and doctors will be present at the medical camps that will be organised by the state.
Farmers are protesting against the three new farm laws, which were passed during the Monsoon Session of the parliament in September, for 12 days now. The protesting farmers have called for a ‘Bharat Bandh’ on December 8, which has received support from major opposition parties, including Congress, TRS, CPI, Shiv Sena.
Sonipat health department officials said they have distributed medicines and masks among the agitating farmers protesting at its inter-state borders with Delhi.
Ambulances and mobile toilet facilities have been stationed at various points and sanitisation work is being carried out regularly, they said.
Most of the protesting farmers are staying put at the Singhu and Tikri border and have been staying in tractor-trolleys, which have been turned into temporary shelters.
Farmers say that the new farm laws will dismantle the minimum support price system leaving them at the “mercy” of big corporate houses.
However, the government says that the MSP system will continue and the new laws will give farmers more options to sell their produce.