In the new biggest daily spike, India in the last 24 hours recorded 386,452 cases of COVID-19, taking the tally of coronavirus infections in the nation to 18,762,976. A total of 3,498 people died in India from the COVID-19 infection, taking the death toll to 208,330.
There are currently 3,170,228 active cases of coronavirus in India. In the last 24 hours, 297,540 people recovered from the COVID-19 infection across the country. and as of Friday, 15,384,418 have recovered in India from disease.
India kicked off its mass COVID-19 vaccination programme on January 16 and at least152,245,179 people have at least received a single shot of the COVID vaccine in the country till now.
Covaxin, developed at Hyderabad’s Bharat Biotech, and Covishield, manufactured at the Pune-based Serum Institute, are the two vaccines being administered in India.
A third vaccine, Russia’s Sputnik V, has also been approved by India’s drug regulator for emergency use.