India reported 14,623 new COVID-19 cases and 197 deaths in the last 24 hours, as per Union Health Ministry data released on Tuesday. After adding the new cases, India’s COVID-19 tally is at 3,41,08,996 and the death toll is 4,52,651.
Now, India has 1,78,098 active COVID-19 cases following Wednesday’s addition, which is the lowest in the last 220 days. Active cases account for 0.5%, which is less than 1% of total cases, which is the lowest since March 2020.
Meanwhile, 19,446 people recovered from the infection in the last 24 hours, taking India’s total recovery numbers to 3,34,78,247.
At least 13,23,702 samples were tested for coronavirus on Tuesday, October 19. The country now has successfully tested 59,44,29,890 up to October 19, 2021.
COVID-19 vaccination is concerned, India has successfully administered 99,12,82,283 crores of COVID-19 vaccines under the world largest inoculation drive. Out of this figure, 12,05,162 vaccines were given in the last 24 hours
About COVID-19 vaccination, India has successfully administered 99,12,82,283 crores of COVID-19 vaccines under the world largest inoculation drive. Out of this figure, 41,36,142 vaccines were given in the last 24 hours.
Meanwhile, Kerala continues to remain the contributor in new COVID cases as out of the 14,623 new infections and 197 deaths reported in India in the last 24 hours, Kerala reported 7,643 new cases and 77 deaths.