The Maharashtra government on Sunday announced a weekend lockdown in the state from 8 pm on Friday to 7 am on Monday. It has also imposed stricter restrictions, including night curfew from 8 pm to 7 am, during the weekdays in a bid to curb the spread of COVID-19, reported PTI.
Also read: As COVID numbers spiral, restrictions sneak back in many states. Full list
Here’s the list of new guidelines announced by Minority Affairs Minister and NCP leader Nawab Malik:
1. Government offices will be allowed to function at 50% of their capacity.
2. Industries, production sector, vegetable markets to function with Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs)
3. Construction sites will operate if there is an accommodation facility for workers.
4. Theatres and drama theatres will stay closed.
5. Shooting for films and television serials will continue if there is no crowding.
6. Playgrounds and parks will stay shut.
7. Religious places will have to follow the SoPs.
8. Public transport system will remain functional during the restricted time.
9. Work from home will be encouraged for offices, except for insurance, mediclaim, electricity and civic offices.
10. Essential services will be allowed to function during the night curfew.