A mysterious liver disease, which seems to target kids, has been reported in the United States, United Kingdom and other European nations. While the disease shows symptoms of hepatitis, the virus that usually causes the liver ailment has not been noticed.
While healthcare experts across the world continue to decipher the puzzling disease, here is what we know so far:
How many cases have been found so far?
Since January 2022, at least 74 children in the United Kingdom have been diagnosed with hepatitis, a liver inflammation disease. Additional cases were found in Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
United States officials also spotted nine cases of acute hepatitis in Alabama in children aged 1 to 6, according to media reports citing healthcare officials.
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What are the possible causes?
Experts in the United Kingdom currently suspect that adenoviruses may be the possible cause of the disease, however, it is still being investigated. All nine children in the United States who were diagnosed with the mystery disease tested positive for adenovirus.
Adenovirus is a family of common viruses usually responsible for conditions like pink eye, a sore throat, or diarrhea, according to reports from Associated Press.
Some doctors have noted that adenoviruses are so common in children that merely finding them in those sickened by hepatitis does not necessarily mean the viruses are responsible for the liver disease.
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Could COVID-19 have a link?
The World Health Organization noted that although there has been an increase in adenovirus in Britain, which is spreading at the same time as COVID-19, the potential role of those viruses in triggering hepatitis is unclear.
While scientists continue to investigate what could have triggered the outbreak, COVID-19 and other viruses and environmental factors are also being considered.
British public health officials ruled out any links to COVID-19 vaccines, saying none of the affected children were vaccinated, Associated Press reported.
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What are experts saying?
Graham Cooke, an expert in infectious diseases working at the Imperial College London, said that the mild hepatitis was “very common in children following a range of viral infections, but what is being seen at the moment is quite different”, Associated Press reported.
“If the hepatitis was a result of COVID it would be surprising not to see it more widely distributed across the country given the high prevalence of COVID-19 at the moment,” he added.