Two militants trapped during an encounter with security forces surrendered in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district on Saturday, reported PTI quoting officials. The two terrorists were identified as Akeel Ahmad Lone and Rouf Ul Islam. Lone had sustained splinter injuries in his right foot and was taken to the police hospital here for treatment, they added.
“Lelhar Encounter Update: Both terrorists surrendered along with 02 AK 47 rifles before senior officers of police & SFs. One #terrorist who was injured in encounter has been shifted to hospital for medical treatment,” the Kashmir Zone police tweeted.
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According to the reports, the encounter started at around 8pm on Friday.
Vijay Kumar, Inspector General of Police in Kashmir said security forces cordoned the area and the encounter started after the militants refused appeals of surrender. They lobbed grenades at the police personnel.
On Friday, security forces killed three Hizbul Mujahideen militants in an encounter with security forces in the Tral area of Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district. The encounter broke out after militants opened fire on the security forces, who retailed and killed three militants, reported PTI quoting police officials.