Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s cricket drama ‘Lagaan’ completed 21 years of its release on June 15. To commemorate that, the star is all set to get together with the cast of the film at his house on Wednesday.
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The film,”Lagaan” is one of India’s most successful films. It also became only the second film after ‘Mother India’ in India’s history to receive an Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Language Film. The popularity remains the same even after 21 years since the film was released.
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To celebrate the legacy of the film, the star cast is all set to reunite at Aamir’s residence. Last year, the entire team came together virtually to celebrate the success of the mega-blockbuster film.
‘Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India’ is a 2001 sports drama film written and directed by Ashutosh Gowariker.
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The film is set in 1893, during the late Victorian period of India’s colonial British Raj. The film follows the inhabitants of a village in central India, who, burdened by high taxes and several years of drought, are challenged by an arrogant British Indian Army officer to a game of cricket as a wager to avoid paying the taxes they owe.