Manasa Varanasi from Telangana was crowned as Miss India World 2020 on Wednesday. The 23-year-old was among the top five contestants, including Miss India Haryana – Manika Sheokand, Miss India Telangana – Manasa Varanasi, Miss India Uttar Pradesh – Manya Singh, Miss India Gujarat – Khusi Misra and Miss India Karnataka – Rati Hulji. The 57th edition of the Femina Miss India beauty pageant was held digitally due to COVID-19 pandemic. Manasa is a financial information exchange analyst.
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Actor Aparshakti Khurana hosted the event held in Mumbai.
Actors Chitrangada Singh, Neha Dhupia and Pulkit Samrat, along with designer duo Falguni and Shane Peacock, international designers, comprised the jury panel.
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Meanwhile, the VLCC Femina Miss Grand India 2020 title went to Haryana’s Manika Sheokhand, with Uttar Pradesh’s Manya Singh being crowned as the VLCC Femina Miss India 2020 runner-up.
Miss World Asia 2019 Suman Rao led the opening round of the pageant.