A Bengaluru activist approached police commissioner Kamal Pant on Monday, seeking a detailed probe into Karnataka Minister for Water Resources Ramesh Jarkiholi for allegedly abusing a woman and seeking sexual favours from her in return for a government job, according to media reports.
A clip of the incidents recorded by the woman is circulating on social media as her family approached activist Dinesh Kallahalli after allegedly facing threats form the BJP minister, reported The Hindu.
Kallahalli said, “I have submitted the video and audio clips of the alleged incident to the commissioner seeking a probe.”
According to Kallahalli, the woman from a poor family approached the minister for making a short film. Following this, Jarkiholi sexually exploited her by assuring a job in the Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited, reported News 18. Once he got to know that she has some objectionable videos, he threatened her and her family.
According to News 18, Kallahalli in his complaint said, “Since I am into social activism, they approached me with the complaint and the CD and shared all the details. Please investigate the truth of the matter, file a criminal case against the minister and provide protection to the victim.”
Union Minister Pralhad Joshi told ANI, “I have seen the video of state minister Ramesh Jarakiholi in the media. I will speak to the CM and the party chief about it tomorrow. We will check the authenticity of the CD and take action accordingly.”