Superstar Amitabh Bachchan took to his Twitter profile to post a collage of all the important women in his life. He said that every day is a women’s day for him. Resembling his other posts, however, Big B’s Women’s
Day post, too, stood out as exceptional. 

The collage displays pictures of his mother Teji Bachchan,
his wife Jaya Bachchan, daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda, daughter-in-law
Aishwarya Rai and granddaughters Aradhya Bachchan and Navya Naveli.

Also read: Rhea Chakraborty makes a comeback on Instagram, pays tribute to her mother on Women’s Day

“Kaha rahen hain aaj women’s day hai. Keval ek din?
Naah, pratidin naari diwas hai (They say today is women’s day. Only one day? I
think every day is women’s day)”, Bachchan captioned the tweet in Hindi.

Other Bollywood celebrities and prominent personalities, too,
sent out their wishes on Women’s Day.

Actor Kangana Ranaut too wished people on the occasion.

“Every day is Women’s Day…. sharing some of my
favourite moments with my favourite women and wishing everyone a happy women’s
day”, Ranaut wrote.

Also read: International Women’s Day: Mithali Raj, one of India’s greatest batter, has enviable feat to her name

Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli shared his wishes on
Women’s Day by sharing a picture of his wife and actor Anushka Sharma and their
daughter Vamika.

“Seeing the birth of a child is the most spine
chilling, unbelievable and amazing experience a human being can have. After
witnessing that, you understand the true strength and divinity of women and why
God created life inside them. It’s because they are way stronger than us men.
Happy Women’s Day to the most fiercely, compassionate and strong woman of my
life and to the one who’s going to grow up to be like her mother. And also a
Happy Women’s Day to all the amazing women of the world,” the cricketer wrote in his Instagram post.

Celebrated on March 8 annually, the day originates from the suffragette
movement in England which actively pushed for women’s voting rights, eventually
being adopted by feminist movements the world over and in 1977, by the United