Bharat Biotech, the manufacturer of COVID vaccine Covaxin, on May 12 tweeted that they had dispatched stocks of the vaccine to states like Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Bihar and Jammu & Kashmir. This comes amid complaints of vaccine shortage from several states.
Suchitra Ella, the co-founder and joint managing director of Bharat Biotech said that they were disheartened by allegations by some states against their team’s intentions.
“50 of our employees are off work due to covid, yet we continue to work under pandemic lockdowns 24×7 for U”, she said in a tweet that was reposted by Bharat Biotech.
Recently, the Hyderabad-based company has come under fire after the Delhi government was allegedly refused the supply of Covaxin. According to Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, the manufacturer’s refusal stems from the “instructions” given to them by the Centre.
“The Covaxin manufacturer has, in a letter, said it cannot provide Delhi government vaccines due to unavailability, under instructions of the concerned government official. It means that the central government is controlling the supply of the vaccine”, Sisodia said on Wednesday.
Earlier today Ella had announced on Twitter that Covaxin was supplied to Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru & Bhuvneshwar. “I thank all our employees @ BHarat bio who worked thru the holy month of Ramzan”.
Bharat Biotech on Thursday had agreed to share the Covaxin formula with other manufacturers and the Centre to increase the production of the vaccine. The announcement comes in the midst of many states across the country announcing a shortage of vaccine supply.
Centre on Thursday announced that it hoped to have more than 200 crore vaccine doses between August and December in light of the surge of cases as the country battles the raging pandemic.