The Uttar Pradesh Police deployed sixty security personnel and installed eight close circuit television (CCTV) cameras at the house of the alleged gangrape victim in her village in Bulgarhi area to ensure the safety of her family members.

DIG Shalabh Mathur, the acting nodal officer sent to Hathras, told PTI that if needed a control room will also be established there.

“Sixty personnel, including women, have been deployed on 12 hours shifts for the security of the victim’s family. A gazetted officer will also be deployed to monitor these personnel. With the help of CCTV cameras, the house of the victim will be monitored round-the-clock”.

As informed by the Hathras Superintendent of Police (SP) Vineet Jaiswal, a register of visitors is also being maintained by policemen at the entry of the house.

Two security personnel have been provided to each family member and witness for their personal security, he said. Jaiswal added that a team of the fire department and two local intelligence unit personnel have also been deployed.

“At the main gate of the house, a metal detector has been installed and quick response teams are also in place. With the help of eight CCTV cameras, security is being ensured,” the SP said.

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The 19-year-old Dalit woman was allegedly gang-raped on September 14 following which she was admitted to the J N Medical College Hospital in Aligarh with serious injuries. After her condition deteriorated, she was referred to the Delhi’s Safdarjung Hospital where she breathed her last on Tuesday.

The victim’s family alleged that they were forced by the local police to hurriedly cremate her in the dead of the night near her home on September 30. Local police officers, however, said the cremation was carried out “as per the wishes of the family”.

The state government has already recommended a CBI probe in the matter and quoting FSL reports, it has denied the rape charges.