Ranbir Sharma, district collector of Chhattisgarh’s Surajpur, who apologised for slapping a youth on Saturday, has now been suspended by Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel. Apart from slapping, Sharma also asked police officers to beat him up and file a complaint against him for being outdoor amid a statewide lockdown. The incident was captured in a video, which has gone viral on social media.
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In the viral clip, the former district collector can be seen taking the phone from the person’s hand and then smashing it on the road. Sharma then slaps the man even when the youth tries to show him some documents.
The IAS officer then calls cops, asks them to beat the person and lodge an FIR against him.
Watch the viral video here:
After the incident came to light, Sharma apologised for what he did. He alleged that the person was violating the COVID-19 protocols and had no proper documents, reports ANI.
“He said he was out for vaccination but there was no proper document. Later, he said he was going to visit his grandmother. I slapped him in heat of the moment when he misbehaved. He was 23-24 years old and not 13. I regret and apologise for my behaviour,” he said.
Reacting to the incident, Sanjeev Gupta, Secretary, Inter State Council Secretariat, Union Home Ministry, said Sharma’s act was “despicable” and “unbecoming of an IAS officer”. He said he has also raised this matter with Chhattisgarh Chief Secretary.
“Despicable conduct unbecoming of an IAS officer. Beating a young boy and banging his phone. Gora Sahib syndrome! He could have cross-checked with more dignity or let police take action for over speeding. I have brought it to notice of the Chief Secretary, Chhattisgarh,” Gupta tweeted.
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Meanwhile, social media users were heavily criticising Sharma for assaulting a citizen physically. The hashtag ‘#SuspendRanbirSharmaIAS’ was trending on Twitter on Sunday.