Will Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan get bail or will have to stay in jail? The court will be answering the same today (October 8) as it will be hearing the bail plea of Aryan and others arrested in a case pertaining to the alleged seizure of banned drugs aboard a cruise ship in Mumbai.

On Thursday, the court had sent the accused to jail under 14-day judicial custody and they soon filed bail applications. Esplanade Magistrate court said it will hear the bail plea of Aryan Khan at 11 am today.

The court has also asked NCB to file a reply by then. The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) made a strong plea for an extension of custody of Aryan Khan (23) and the other accused, saying they need to be confronted with another man arrested in the case to unearth the “chain of conspiracy”.

Also read: Own everything you experience: Hritik Roshan’s advice to Aryan Khan

The 23-year-old was arrested on Saturday after the NCB raided a cruise ship going from Mumbai to Goa. Seventeen people have been arrested in the case so far. According to media reports citing NCB sources, no drugs were found on Aryan Khan, but the agency has made the case that Khan’s WhatsApp chats suggest involvement of international drug cartels and require deeper investigation.

According to the NCB, a person named Archit Kumar, was arrested on the basis of Aryan Khan’s statement and Khan will be confronted with Kumar. Making an observation on NCB’s contention, the court said, “We cannot discuss what took the investigation team so much time to arrest the accused with whom they need to be confronted.”

The NCB has said that Archit Kumar supplied drugs and WhatsApp chats among Aryan Khan, Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha show that payment for drugs were discussed.

While the NCB pushed for extension of custody of Aryan Khan, the court said that police custody of an accused without cogent reason would amount to violation of fundamental rights. The court added that the accused cannot be sent to custody of the investigating agency on “vague grounds”.