Former badminton player and Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone’s father Prakash Padukone was hospitalised in Bangalore after testing positive for COVID-19. “Around 10 days back, Prakash, his wife (Ujjala) and second daughter (Anisha), they developed symptoms and got themselves tested and the results came out to be positive,” Vimal Kumar, a close friend of the legendary shuttler and director at the Prakash Padukone Badminton Academy (PPBA), told PTI.
He said that he was recovering now and all his parameters were fine. His wife and daughter are at home. The former ace player will be discharged in 2-3 days, his friend told PTI.
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According to the Indian Express, the 65-year-old has taken his first dose of the vaccine.
Padukone was the first Indian to win All England Championships title in 1980. He was world number one and was also the first Indian to win a medal at the World Championships after clinching a bronze in 1983.
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Following his retirement in 1991, Padukone served as the chairman of the Badminton Association of India (BAI). He was also the coach of the Indian team from 1993 to 1996.