Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has asked the Centre to ban all flights from the United Kingdom “immediately.” “New mutation of coronavirus has emerged in UK, which is a super-spreader,” he said in a tweet on Monday.
“I urge central govt to ban all flights from UK immediately,” he added.
Meanwhile, Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan said on Monday that the government was “alert” and there was “no need to panic,” ANI reported.
UK PM Boris Johnson announced on Saturday strict restrictions in the capital London and in much of southeast England, AFP reported. While announcing the measures, he said the new virus strain could be 70% more infectious. It has become the prominent strain in London, Johnson said, adding that cases were rising despite boosted restrictions.
Meanwhile, a number of European nations, which include Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands have suspended flights from the UK. Canada has also announced a similar measure.
Italy has also confirmed a case of the new strain of the novel coronavirus.