Delhi Chief Minister has extended the COVID-induced lockdown by one more week to stop the spread of the virus, reports ANI. The lockdown will now end at 5am on May 24, said the Delhi CM.
Delhi has been under a lockdown since April 20, when the national capital was reporting over 20,000 new infections everyday. There was shortage of oxygen in Delhi hospitals and over 40 people died to the shortage of oxygen.
Though the national capital has reported a dip in the number of new cases, reporting only 6,500 new infection on Saturday, the restrictions will still be in place.
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On Saturday, the CM also announced the launch of an oxygen concentrator bank for COVID patients requiring oxygen support in home isolation or those recuperating after discharge from hospital. Kejriwal said a team of Delhi government doctors will recommend and make sure that a person calling for the concentrator actually needs it.
The patients will have to return these concentrators after they have recovered.
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Those requiring oxygen concentrators can call on the helpline number — 1031 — and it will be provided free of cost after it is recommended by the doctors, he said.
In Delhi, 42,482 COVID patients under home isolation out of 66,295 active cases, according to the state health department.