Delhi recorded 12,481 fresh coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, according to the Delhi State Health Bulletin released on Tuesday. A total of 347 deaths were reported in the same period in the national capital, taking the total death tally to 20,010.

Also Read | Delhi facing COVID vaccine shortage, stock will last only few days: CM Kejriwal

The COVID-19 positivity rate in the national capital has dropped to 17.76%, reported PTI.

According to Delhi government‘s health bulletin, active caseload has gone down over 4,000 cases in the past few days. The active cases were 87,907 cases on Friday, that slumped to 83,809 on Tuesday. 

Also Read: WHO warns against use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 patients

The confirmed total cases of COVID-19 in Delhi have now reached to 13,48,699. 

Amid COVID cases going down in the national capital, CM Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday said that the national capital was witnessing a shortage of COVID-19 vaccines. He added that, “vaccine supply has become a huge challenge for the entire country.”

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Last week, Kejriwal appealed to the Centre and experts to bring vaccines for children, he also demanded 2.6 crore vaccine doses in the next three months.