Delhi Police on Wednesday named 37 people in an FIR on the violence that occured in the national capital during the tractor parade. Among the prominent farm leaders in the FIR are Rakesh Tikait, Yogendra Yadav and Darshan Pal. Social activist Medha Patkar was also booked by the Delhi Police.
As authorities try to come to grips with the violent turn of events on Tuesday during which protesters also stormed the iconic Red Fort and hoisted a Sikh religious flag, Delhi police commissioner SN Srivastava said 19 people have been arrested while 50 people were detained for questioning.
The police said that 394 of their personnel were injured and 30 police vehicles were damaged during the tractor rally held by farmers on Republic Day. Srivastava said 25 criminal cases have been registered so far and the charges include attempt to murder charge.
Here is the full list of people who have been named in the FIR by Delhi Police:
Rakesh Tikait
Medha Patkar
Yogendra Yadav
Kulwant Singh Sandhu
Satnam Singh Pannu
Gurbaksh Singh
Darshan Pal
Joginder Singh Ugraha
Avik Saha
Ruldu Singh Mansa
Surjeet Singh Phool
VM Singh
Jagjeet Singh Dalewal
Balbir Singh Rajewal
Harinder Singh Lakhoval
Gurnam Singh Chanduni
Boota Singh Burjgill
Nirbhai Singh Dhudike
Inderjit Singh
Harjinder Singh Tanda
Kanwalpreet Singh Pannu
Harmeet Singh Kadian
Satnam Singh Sahni
Bogh Singh Mansa
Balwinder Singh Aulakh
Satnam Singh Behru
Bharat Boota Singh Shadipur
Baldev Singh Sirsa
Jagbir Singh Tanda
Mukesh Chandra
Sukhpal Singh Daffar
Kirpal Singh Nathuwala
Prem Singh Bhangu
Kavita Kuruganti
Rishipal Ambavatta
Prem Singh Gehlot