Bollywood star Gauhar Khan’s team has clarified that the actor tested negative for COVID-19 amid reports that a case was filed against her for allegedly violating COVID-19 guidelines. Her team said she is complying with all the norms issued by the BMC, PTI reported.
The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Monday filed a police case against a Bollywood actor for allegedly violating COVID-19 guidelines and though BMC did not disclose the name, reports said the case was related to Gauahar.
“For everyone sending their best wishes and concern for Gauahar Khan, here’s the latest report. She’s tested negative in multiple reports. She’s a law abiding citizen and complying with all the norms of BMC,” her team said in a statement, PTI reported.
“This is to appeal for all the speculation to be put to an end. Gauahar Khan is cooperating with everything that the BMC requires,” it further said.
The team also attached her COVID-19 report, dated March 15, and requested media to not “indulge in speculation” as the actor is emotionally at her lowest following the death of her father on March 5.
“She’s going through everything that is expected from her by the BMC. So with folded hands we want Gauahar’s time to her self, respectfully and let her heart heal in this mourning time,” the statement read.