The body of the woman, who was gang-raped in Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh, was cremated by the police in the wee hours of Wednesday, the family of the 19-year-old victim has alleged. However, the Hathras Police said that the cremation was done “as per the wishes of the family”, news agency PTI reported.

“The police have forcibly taken the dead body, and my father along with them for cremation. When my father reached Hathras, he was immediately taken (to the crematorium) by the police,” a brother of the woman told PTI over phone at 1 AM on Wednesday.

“All procedures as per wish of family .. (sic),” Hathras Superintendent of Police Vikrant Vir told PTI in a text message.

The woman was raped in a village in Hathras by four men on September 14. After her condition deteriorated, she was referred to Delhi’s Safdarjung hospital where she died on Tuesday, September 30.

The news of the woman’s death sparked protests in Delhi as well as in Hathras with all sections of society, including politicians, sports and cine stars and activists, expressing their anguish and demanding justice for her.