Prime Minister Narendra Modi continued with his election campaign blitz in Bengal as the votes were being polled in 31 constituencies in the third phase of the eight-phased Bihar elections. While addressing a rally in Cooch Behar on Tuesday, the prime minister had to intervene when an elderly woman – who had come to listen to PM Modi – fainted, possibly because of dehydration. The prime minister was quick to instruct “his team of doctors to check on her and give her the immediate assistance.”
PM Modi has so far held over 10 rallies in Bengal where the election campaign has been vitriolic. The ruling Mamata Banerjee and the challenger BJP have been engaged in a bitter war of words for several months now.
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Attacking Mamata Banerjee at the rally, PM Modi said that “Didi has started a new tax in Bengal – ‘Bhaipo Service Tax’!”.
Taking a dig at Mamata Banerjee, who has been attacking the BJP and Election Commission alleging fraud and booth capturing in Nandigram seat from where the chief minister is taking on her protege and ex-colleague Suvendu Adhikari of the BJP, PM Modi said,”Didi your anger indicates you have lost polls, accepted defeat.”
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Mamata Banerjee, on several occasions, has termed the prime minister and his second-in-command Amit Shah as “outsiders” and said that the state will be ruled by its own people, calling herself the ‘beti’ of Bengal.
“I will win Bengal with one leg and Delhi with two legs,” Mamata Banerjee said, referring to her leg injury that she alleges was a result of an attack by the “BJP goons”.
Mamata Banerjee, who uprooted the 34-year-old Left regime in 2011, is seeking her third term in office.
The polling is being conducted in eight phases in Bengal and votes will be counted on May 2.