Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s cautionary tweet regarding a “new coronavirus variant found in Singapore” had sparked a controversy. In a tweet in Hindi, he cautioned that the “new coronavirus variant found in Singapore is said to be dangerous to children and can bring the third wave in India.”
He urged the Centre to suspend flights from Singapore and take steps to vaccinate children.
After the tweet, statements from Indian and Singaporean governments soon followed.
“Irresponsible comments from those who should know better can damage long-standing partnerships. So, let me clarify – Delhi CM does not speak for India,” tweeted External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar.
Singapore‘s Health Ministry too issued a statement in which it said that there was no truth in the assertion that a new coronavirus strain was found in the country.
In the meantime, Twitter users had a gala time as the incident sparked a meme fest.
Meanwhile, Delhi reported 4,482 Covid 19 cases on Tuesday, the lowest single-rise since April 5, while the positivity rate also dipped to 6.89 %.