Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched a seaplane service between the Statue of Unity at Kevadia and Sabarmati in Ahmedabad. The Prime Minister who visited Gujarat to witness the “Rashtriya Ekta Diwas” parade on the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patel, made a maiden seaplane flight on the Kevadiya-Sabarmati route.
The Prime Minister stated that the seaplane service from Kevadiya to Sabarmati would boost tourism in the area.
The BJP leader had earlier paid tribute to the late Sardar Vallabhai Patel on his birth anniversary, at the Statue of Unity in Kevadia, Gujarat.
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During his visit to the home state of Gujarat, PM Modi along with Home Minister Amit Shah paid their respect to Sardar Vallabhai Patel at the Statue of Unity in Gujarat.
Speaking at the event the Prime Minister stated that 130 crore Indians had honoured the COVID-19 warriors in their fight against the pandemic.
He also said that under his administration the country was ‘establishing new dimensions of unity.’