Soon after 72-year-old Dattatraya Waghmare, a resident of a village in Maharashtra’s Jalna district, returned after his second COVID jab, he started having anxiety attacks with fever and skin rash. A local health centre prescribed some medication and sent him home. A few days later his son realised that he had been given two different vaccines.

Also read: What if you get doses of 2 different COVID vaccines?

“We took him to the state healthcare centre at Partur, where he was given some medication. The lapse on the part of the health machinery came to notice only a few days ago, when I saw his two vaccination certificates,” Waghmare’s son Digambar told

Waghmare got the first dose on March 22 – a jab of Covaxin, a vaccine manufactured by made by Bharat Biotech – at a rural hospital. He got his second dose on April 30, this time he was given Covishield, the vaccine manufactured by Serum Institute of India. The second dose was administered at a primary healthcare centre in his village.

Also read: Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines on new strains uncertain, says WHO

Digambar said his father developed a mild fever, rashes and anxiety attacks after the second jab. He added that his father was not educated and that it was the duty of health authorities at the vaccination centre to check the vaccination certificate of the first dose.

Health authorities in the village are investigating the lapse after the family complained.There is no known study available to know the after effects of mixing two vaccines. Waghmare will be kept under observation for some time to know the effect, if any.

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