India reported 16,156 new COVID-19 cases and 733 deaths in the last 24 hours, as per Union Health Ministry data released on Thursday. After adding the new cases, India’s COVID-19 death toll is 4,56,386
Now, India has 1,60,989 active COVID-19 cases following Thursday’s addition, which is the lowest in 243 days. Active cases account for less than 1% of total cases, currently at 0.47%; lowest since March 2020
COVID-19 vaccination is concerned, India has successfully administered 1,04,04,99,873 doses under the world largest inoculation drive. Out of this figure,
49,09,254 vaccines were given in the last 24 hours.
Meanwhile, 17,095 people recovered from the infection in the last 24 hours, taking India’s total recovery numbers to 3,36,14,434 India’s recovery rate is currently at 98.20%, which is the highest since March 2020.
At least 12,90,900 samples were tested for coronavirus on Wednesday, October 27. The country now has successfully tested 60,44,98,405 up to October 28, 2021.
The country’s weekly COVID-19 positivity rate stands at 1.19%, which is less than 2% for the last 34 days while the daily positivity rate is 1.25%, again less than 2% for the last 24 days.