Union Health Ministry on Tuesday said that India reported as many as 18,346 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, the lowest in last 209 days.

According to the health ministry, the active cases account for less than 1% of total cases, currently at 0.75%, lowest since March 2020.

The Indian Council of Medical Research said that the total number of samples tested up to October 4 is 57,53,94,042 including 11,41,642 samples tested yesterday.

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On Monday, India reported 20,799 new COVID-19 cases and 180 deaths. The active cases accounted for less than 1% of total cases and were the lowest since March 2020, according to the Union Health Ministry. The country’s active caseload stands at 2,64,458, which is the lowest in 200 days.

Kerala had added 12,297 COVID-19 cases and 74 deaths. Maharashtra reported 2,692 new COVID-19 cases and 41 deaths. Schools across Maharashtra resumed physical sessions form classes 5 to 12 on Monday.