As the third Test match started between India and England at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, it also marked another important milestone. Ishant Sharma, Indian fast-bowler, who has represented the country in Tests, ODIs and T20s, played his 100th Test match for the team. He was also felicitated by the Honorable President Ramnath Kovind for the achievement.
Ishant Sharma first came into limelight after he dismissed Ricky Ponting in the Perth Test when India toured Australia in 2008. He is also called by his nickname “lambu,” which means tall guy because of his tall and lean physique. Ishant made his Ranji Trophy debut at the age of 18. He got selected for India in 2007 when India played against Bangladesh and made a Test debut in the same series.
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He got his big break against Pakistan, when he ripped off the opponents on a flat deck taking 5/140 and got selected for a series against Australia. He also became the first Indian bowler to have crossed 150 km/h, beating Ashish Nehra’s 149.7kph delivery.
With his recent feat of playing 100 Tests, he became the 70th cricketer and 2nd Indian pacer to do so. In the ongoing Test series against England, Ishant Sharma also achieved the record of scoring 300 Test wickets.
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The fast bowler’s performance has been exceptional over the last three years and since the start of 2018, he has taken 76 wickets in 20 Test matches at an average of 19.34 with four of his 11 five-wicket hauls of his career.