A day after Kanta Prasad, the owner of the famous ‘Baba ka Dhaba’ filed a complaint against Gaurav Wasan, who put him into the limelight by sharing his video, for misappropriation of funds, the YouTuber told NDTV, ‘I made a viral video that brought them so much.’
Prasad said on Sunday Wasan shot his video and posted it online [on his YouTube account] and convinced the public on social media to donate money to the eatery owner.
Wasan, shared the viral video nearly a month back, told NDTV, “I always promote street food of India. I made a viral video that brought them so much help. Every person used to say you are helping them so much. Now the same people are calling me a fraud. I have all the account details here, I have been forced to stoop to this level.”
Also Read | ‘Baba ka Dhaba’ owner files complaint against YouTuber who first shared his video
Wasan “intentionally and deliberately shared only his and his family/friends bank details and mobile numbers with the donors and collected huge amount of donation through different mode of payments i.e bank account/wallets without providing any information to the complainant,” Prasad has alleged in his complaint.
He said that he had given 80-year-old Prasad Rs 3.78 lakh from the Rs 4.44 lakh that came to his account from contributors, adding that some of it was his own money.
The 80-year-old has accused Wasan of not providing the details of the financial transaction to him.
Baba Ka Dhaba was the cynosure of many eyes across the country, including celebs from showbiz who posted appeals asking people to go there and get themselves a meal after Prasad’s video went viral. A day after the video was shared, it was trending on Twitter with #Babakadhaba and the eatery was flooded with more customers than it had seen in 30 years of being in business.