Maharashtra on Wednesday hit a new high, as the state recorded a total of 59,907 new COVID-19 cases in a span of 24 hours. The total number of cases in the state currently stand at 31,73,261.
The death toll, meanwhile, increased to 56,652 with 322 new deaths on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, the Maharashtra government was slammed by Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan on Wednesday, as the minister pointed out that the administration was not acting ‘responsibly’ to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the state.
“The inability of the Maharashtra government to act responsibly is beyond comprehension. To spread panic among the people is to compound the folly further. Vaccine supplies are being monitored on a real-time basis, and state governments are being apprised regularly about it. Allegations of vaccine shortage are utterly baseless,” Vardhan was quoted by PTI as saying.
Also read: Maharashtra running out of vaccines as COVID rages through state
The statement came after Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope said many inoculation centres were being shut down due to shortage of vaccines, and that the state had only 14 lakh vaccines left in its hands, which would effectively last only three days.
Maharashtra has witnessed a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases in recent weeks, with the state government already having imposed night time curfews on Sunday.
Also read: BMC allows home delivery of food, essentials 24×7 during curbs
Having begun on Monday, the curfew would be continuing till April 30.
other restrictions, such as the closure of offices, theatres and salons have also been implemented.