Mumbai Police, in one month, have collected a total fine of Rs four crore from a total of two lakh people found to be not wearing masks in the city despite Mumbai recently seeing a surge in COVID-19 cases, PTI reported.

The fine was collected between February 20 and March 20.

Also read: ‘Janta curfew, lockdown, unlock’: India’s COVID-19 restrictions timeline

“Rs four
crore fine was collected from two lakh people at different locations across the
city after they were found not wearing mask,” Mumbai Police spokesperson DCP
S Chaitanya was quoted by PTI as saying.

“While 50% of the collected fine will go to the Brihanmumbai Municipal
Corporation (BMC), the rest of the amount will be used for thepolice welfare
activities,” he reportedly said, further adding that the drive would

Also read: ‘Second COVID wave’ in Maharashtra; Nagpur, Pune and Mumbai worst-hit

Mumbai on
Wednesday reported its highest one-day rise in COVID-19 cases so far with 5,185
new infections coming to light, which took the caseload in the country’s
financial capital to 3,74,611.

There are 39
active containment zones in the city, which include slums and chawls, while 432
buildings have been sealed so far after patients were found there, the civic
body has said.

A lockdown has
already been imposed in the Beed district to stop a further spread of the